
We attempted to create the most equitable jackpot that will be open source and will also save you a lot of time; do you want to have some fun? Get it right away because one ticket is one purchase of WLT tokens worth $100 or more

How does it work?

Our bot employs a simple mathematical method to calculate the amount of the current jackpot and the amount of the next jackpot

Everything at the jackpot address is drawn as follows:

The current jackpot is 50% of the total jackpot balance

Next jackpot: 25% of the jackpot balance

For example

If the wallet contains 1 ETH in the jackpot

Current Jackpot: 0.5 ETH

Next Jackpot: 0.25 ETH

How likely are you to win?






















Because the maximum chance of winning the jackpot is 10%, everything purchased from $1,000 will count as 10%

For example

Assume you purchased $400 worth of WLT tokens, and the bot (you can follow the bot's announcement in our telegram channel) will generate your ticket at random: [8, 97, 22, 47]

In addition, the bot will generate a number from 1 to 100 at random to announce whether you won or not

Can I participate again if I've already won a jackpot?

You certainly can

The bot code that we use

def play(rounded_number):

global amount0In

global amount1Out

global sender

jack = balanceJpWallet() / 2

player_counts = {100: 1, 200: 2, 300: 3, 400: 4, 500: 5, 600: 6, 700: 7, 800: 8, 900: 9, 1000: 10}

player_count = player_counts.get(rounded_number, 0)

if player_count == 0:

return "Invalid purchase value"

player_numbers = [playerNumber() for _ in range(player_count)]

bot_number = lottoNumber()



print("amount0In:", amount0In)

print("amount1Out:", amount1Out)

print("sender:", sender)

def playerNumber():

numbp = random.randint(1, 100)

return numbp

def lottoNumber():

botNum = random.randint(1, 100)

return botNum

Last updated